Melvina King, PT
Physical TherapistAbout Me
Melvina King, PT is a Physical Therapist specializing in pelvic floor dysfunction. She is passionate about helping women to heal from pelvic floor dysfunctions. Her goal is to provide patients with care that’s structured to their needs, as well as educating patients on ways to improve their quality of life.
Education and Experience
She has trained with the American Physical Therapy Association to treat pelvic floor dysfunction. Melvina earned her Master’s in Physical Therapy from University College Dublin in Dublin, Ireland. After graduation, she worked with adults who have orthopedic related conditions. Prior to becoming a Physical Therapist Melvina earned her B.S in Athletic Training from the University of North Dakota. As an Athletic Trainer she provided sports medicine care that included: immediate care of orthopedic injuries, emergency care of injuries, rehabilitative care and preventative care to those participating in athletic events.
She later decided to become a Physical Therapist to broaden her ability to work with patients of various backgrounds to improve their quality of life, through physical rehabilitation. Her interest in pelvic health started when she had a women’s health rotation in Physical Therapy school. She moved down to Florida where she was provided with an opportunity to pursue her interest in pelvic health.