January 19, 2021 In Treatment By Florida Center for Urogynecology

Post Op Recovery


Post Op Recovery

The physicians at the Florida Center for Urogynecology offer advanced surgeries including minimally invasive options to treat complex conditions. Throughout the transition from the initial visit, preoperative screening, operative care, and finally recovery – each patient is provided with experienced, compassionate care. 

Thus, the post-operative recovery and care is an extension of both the expertise and sentiment of our highly skilled physicians. The following are simple guidelines addressing common concerns that you may encounter. Please read through this list in its entirety and carefully consider our guidance throughout your recovery to ensure progressive healing and your optimal comfort.


  • If you are discharged with a catheter, our practitioners will inform you of the appropriate removal date. Please confirm that you have this appointment when you are discharged. 
  • If you do not have a catheter, please maintain your previously scheduled follow-up appointments at the two (2) week, and six (6) week postoperative timeframe.


  • Pain medications may cause itching. You may take Benadryl to help. If you do not get relief, please contact our office
  • Pain medications will constipate you: Take Colace®, Milk of Magnesia®, Metamucil®, and/or a Fleet Glycerin Suppository®, and try to avoid enemas. Please contact our office if you do not get relief, as you may require prescribed medication.
  • It is not unusual to not have a bowel movement for up to seven (7) days after surgery even though you may have a sensation of needing to have bowel movement.
  • Call if you have nausea/vomiting, distension of the abdomen or severe pain and have not had a bowel movement
  • Do not be afraid to take pain medications as it is more important that you are not in severe pain after surgery
  • Surgery will NOT be painless


  • Call if you are uncertain about whether or not you should call
  • Call if your temperature is greater than 100.4 degrees
  • Call if you experience bleeding heavier than a normal period, or you need to change pads more frequently than one (1) per every three (3) hours, or you become short of breath or lightheaded (pass out) 
  • Call for nausea/vomiting and/or continued diarrhea
  • Call for severe abdominal or vaginal pain
  • Call if you are unable to urinate properly